QUB Street Law 2020 Project now recruiting
Great opportunity for skills development.

Building on our very successful previous projects, Streetlaw returns to the School of Law for the new academic year. Applications are now open for the 15 positions available on the team.
What is Streetlaw?
Streetlaw is a student-led project that involves law students delivering legal information and advice to a specific section of the community e.g. prisoners, ex offenders, consumers, the homeless etc. Students initially undertake a 2 week program of skills building (presentation skills, teamwork, risk analysis, process improvement, negotiation). You will then research an area of law which is appropriate for your chosen audience and will deliver an interactive workshop in the community.
What do I get from it?
Streetlaw provides a chance for you to develop skills which are very much sought after by employers in law and beyond. Previous team members have gone on to find that their training contracts and graduate job interviews have been made easier as they are able to use real life, comprehensive examples from their time on the Streetlaw programme. You will receive Degree Plus accreditation and a certificate of completion from the Law School. Your participation will also be added to your student record and can be added to any reference requests.
What is the time commitment?
The project takes place over 8 weeks. You will receive skills training on Saturday 11th January 2020 from 10am - 2pm. Please note that this session is mandatory, after this the team will have the flexibility to finalise their own times for meetings. The overall commitment expected from you over the 8 weeks including personal research is approximately 50 hours.
How do I sign up for the Programme?
You must email an application form to the Project Coordinator Katherine Macauley at kmacauley01@qub.ac.uk by 5pm Friday 28th November 2019.
Applications will be shortlisted on the basis of merit and successful applicants will be contacted by the Project Coordinator.