Forging Futures
The School of Law is well placed to play its part in collaborating with employers, to provide a supply of highly qualified graduates which meet the demands from businesses, both now and in the future. The School seeks to further embed its strong employer links and has a variety of touchpoints with employers which foster this ongoing dialogue.
An example of this was the ‘Employer Roundtable’ event, held on 28th February 2020. Employer participants (23 companies, and 29 staff members) heard inputs from academics on the Schools flagship Law courses. The majority of the event was centred on roundtable discussions focused on the topic of how to best prepare students for the graduate workplace. Some emerging themes were the importance of students developing transferable skills; the need for improved CVs and Interview Skills being demonstrated; and the fact that students must be prepared to take onboard critical feedback during studies – as this simulates workplace practice, wherein constructive feedback shapes further development and career progression.
The School was grateful for the enthusiastic participation and wide-ranging feedback provided by employers. It continues to engage with business to ultimately help these employer partners find the talent they need to drive and sustain organizational growth.